LIFEILS | 2024

Thank you for joining us at LifeILS 2024

Life ILS Conference | 2024 returned to London.  You joined us for insightful debates and presentations on the future of mortality and longevity risk.

The Life ILS Conference returned to London on Tuesday, May 21st , 2024. Hosted by Life Risk News, this must-attend conference brought industry peers together to cover the latest market insights, news and trends in the Life ILS space.

The in person conference was held over a full-day at EY’s Canary Wharf offices in London, UK. We also provided a virtual broadcast option to those unable to attend in person.

The agenda focused on insightful content from active market participants covering such issues as;

Exploring how the life risk markets introduce a global potential, forecasting a surge in demand and innovation.

Unpacking the emergence of new possibilities for transferring longevity and mortality risk and leveraging secondary markets to foster extra liquidity.

Delving deep into the effects of varying mortality rates among distinct groups.

Engaging in discussions on the enduring resilience of the longevity and mortality risk markets in the face of economic fluctuations and unpredictable variables.

We were also excited to offer a number of sponsorship opportunities to help you showcase your firm, build new relationships and develop your brand recognition. Put your business in the spotlight and engage and interact with the Life ILS industry at this unique event. For more details reach out to the conference facilitator.

Video recordings of the event are available on the Past Event Videos page. For the password please email us at If you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out to ELSA at

Please note due to capacity restrictions, outside of ELSA’s control, registration spaces in London will be allocated on a first come, first serve basis. In addition, in the event that the physical venues are required to be cancelled or have their capacity reduced ELSA will endeavor to host the conference virtually.

Secondary Life Markets
Conference | 2024

Register your interest for the SLM Conference | 2024



We brought over 200+ market participants together for an insightful day of Life ILS content and networking opportunities.



The Life ILS conference brought a range of speakers together to present on the future of mortality and longevity risk.



Life ILS’ sponsor roster is a ‘who’s who’ of companies and organisations active in the Life ILS industry.



Conference Registration and Welcome Coffee Break
  • 08:30 - 09:00
  • Sponsored by: Club Vita
  • EY, London

Conference Registration and Welcome Coffee Break

Welcome From Our Conference Chair
  • 09:00 - 09:05
  • Conference Chair: Ben Grainger, EY
  • EY, London

Welcome From Our Conference Chair

Keynote Presentation
  • 09:05 - 09:45
  • The Rt Hon Lord David Willetts, Resolution Foundation
  • EY, London

Keynote Presentation

Discussion Panel
  • 09:45 -10:30
  • Chair: Natalie Gleed, Club Vita | Andrew Plevin, BroadRiver Asset Management | Scott Mitchell, Schroders Capital | Rob Mechem, Just Group
  • EY, London

Discussion Panel

State of the Market

Morning Coffee Break
  • 10:30 - 11:00
  • Sponsored by: Preston Capital
  • EY, London

Morning Coffee Break

Presentation - Demand Dynamics
  • 11:00 - 11:20
  • Scott Hawkins, Conning
  • EY, London

Presentation - Demand Dynamics

Investor Perspective of the Life Settlement Market

Presentation - Demand Dynamics
  • 11:20 - 11:40
  • Raffaele Dell'Amore, SIGLO Capital Advisors AG
  • EY, London

Presentation - Demand Dynamics

Life ILS - Asset Class Within an Asset Class

Presentation - Demand Dynamics
  • 11:40 - 12:00
  • Adam Davis, K3 Advisory
  • EY, London

Presentation - Demand Dynamics

The Dynamics of Size for the BPA Market

Discussion Panel - Demand Dynamics
  • 12:00 - 12:20
  • Chair: Greg Winterton, Life Risk News
  • EY, London

Discussion Panel - Demand Dynamics

Demand Dynamics Q&A Panel

Discussion Panel
  • 12:20 - 13:00
  • Chair: Luca Tres, Guy Carpenter | Craig Gillespie, Leadenhall Capital | Patrick Horstmann, Hannover Re
  • EY, London

Discussion Panel

Resilience in the Life ILS Market: Adjusting to the New Interest Rate Environment

Lunch Break
  • 13:00 - 14:00
  • Sponsored by: BroadRiver Asset Management
  • EY, London

Lunch Break

Presentation - Strategies When Structuring
  • 14:00 - 14:20
  • Prannoy Chaudhury, Milliman
  • EY, London

Presentation - Strategies When Structuring

Life & Annuity Sidecars

Presentation - Strategies When Structuring
  • 14:20 - 14:40
  • George Belcher, Skadden
  • EY, London

Presentation - Strategies When Structuring

Funded Reinsurance - Getting Transactions Done

Discussion Panel - Strategies When Structuring
  • 14:40 - 15:00
  • Chair: Kirsty Maclean, Willkie Farr & Gallagher | David Griffiths, Willkie Farr & Gallagher
  • EY, London

Discussion Panel - Strategies When Structuring

Strategies When Structuring Q&A Panel

Afternoon Coffee Break
  • 15:00 - 15:30
  • Sponsored by: Actuarial Risk Management
  • EY, London

Afternoon Coffee Break

Presentation - Understanding Life Risk
  • 15:30 - 15:50
  • Matt Sheridan, Health Data Analytics Institute
  • EY, London

Presentation - Understanding Life Risk

AI and Bridging the Gap Between Macro and Micro Longevity Pricing

Presentation - Understanding Life Risk
  • 15:50 - 16:10
  • Jay Olshansky, Lapetus Solutions
  • EY, London

Presentation - Understanding Life Risk

Is There a Maximum Life Expectancy?

Presentation - Understanding Life Risk
  • 16:10 - 16:30
  • Steven Baxter, Club Vita
  • EY, London

Presentation - Understanding Life Risk

Excess Mortality - UK & US

Discussion Panel - Understanding Life Risk
  • 16:30 - 16:50
  • Chair: John Lynch, Longevity Holdings
  • EY, London

Discussion Panel - Understanding Life Risk

Understanding Life Risk Q&A Panel

Discussion Panel
  • 16:50 - 17:30
  • Chair: Paul Kitson, EY | Nicola Oliver, Medical Intelligence | Tina Woods, Business for Health
  • EY, London

Discussion Panel

Changes in the Provision of Healthcare: Understanding it's Impact on Mortality Risk

Networking Cocktails
  • 17.30 - 19:00
  • Sponsored by: Corry Capital Advisors
  • EY, London

Networking Cocktails



Adam Davis

K3 Advisory

Andrew Plevin

BroadRiver Asset Management

Ben Grainger


Craig Gillespie

Leadenhall Capital

David Griffiths

Willkie Farr & Gallagher

George Belcher


Greg Winterton

Life Risk News

Jay Olshansky

Lepatus Solutions

John Lynch

Longevity Holdings

Kirsty Maclean

Willkie Farr & Gallagher

Luca Tres

Guy Carpenter

Mattew Sheridan

Health Data Analytics Institute (HDAI)

Natalie Gleed

Club Vita

Nicola Oliver

Medical Intelligence

Patrick Horstmann

Hannover Re

Paul Kitson


Prannoy Chaudhury


Raffaele Dell'Amore

SIGLO Capital Advisors AG

Rob Mecham

Just Group

Scott Mitchell

Schroders Capital

Scott Hawkins


Steven Baxter

Club Vita

The Rt Hon Lord David Willetts

Resolution Foundation

Tina Woods

Business for Health



Venue Host

Prime Sponsor

Conference Leader

Conference Partners

Break Hosts

Morning Coffee Break Sponsor
Lunch Break Sponsor
Afternoon Coffee Break Sponsor
Networking Cocktails Sponsor

Conference Supporters